About Us
Our Story
In 2012, Jermale Eddie was introduced to the practice of juicing after watching a documentary recommended by a friend.
He sought out more information and was amazed to learn the immense nutritional benefits associated with drinking fresh juice. Jermale bought a juicer and began juicing regularly at home for himself and his family. He was glad to discover that in addition to the significant health benefits that juice provides, the fresh juices are also delicious. This passed the ultimate test when his (then) 3-year-old son tried the juice and wanted more. Jermale enjoyed trying new juice and smoothie recipes and educating himself on the specific nutrients found in various fruits and vegetables. He often talked to friends and family about his new journey with juicing.
Jermale discovered that people were very interested in learning more, and many of those he shared with were inspired to start their own juicing journeys. He also encouraged a friend to try juicing to reset his metabolism and shed some pounds. The friend agreed to try a juice fast for 15 days, but after seeing the results, he continued for a full 60 days and lost 55 pounds. While being monitored by a family doctor, he was also able to discontinue two medications. Jermale’s wife, Anissa, first raised the idea of starting a juice bar in Grand Rapids, and the vision for Malamiah Juice Bar was born. “Malamiah” is a combination of the names of their three sons- Malachi, Nehemiah and Josiah. It is their hope that this business can be part of the legacy they pass on to their children.
In 2013, Malamiah Juice Bar was started

Our Mission
Malamiah Juice Bar & Eatery’s mission is to elevate community wellness through healthy products, local partnerships and youth employment.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see Malamiah Juice Bar serve as an asset to the local community. We strive to provide a joyful environment that enhances the mood of all who interact with our business. We are committed to creating nutritious products that provide various access points to increase healthy living. We respect our planet by making choices that prioritize sustainability and we intentionally contribute to local economic growth. Additionally, we design our employment framework to provide young people with work-based mentoring and leadership development.
Our vision can be summarized in our J.U.I.C.E. culture
which defines our values and serves as the umbrella under
which every aspect of our business operates.