Juicing Tips

Before You Cleanse
- It is very important to start intentionally eating “clean” in the days leading up to your cleanse. Eliminate sugar, high fat foods and processed foods from your diet as much as possible.
- Get your body ready by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables before your cleanse and work to wean yourself off of soda (you can still drink black coffee during your cleanse). Make it a point to drink lots of water!!!
- We also recommend that you take the time to complete your Malamiah Juice Cleanse Intentions Worksheet. This allows you to thoughtfully analyze your current holistic wellness and set meaningful intentions for your cleanse.
- If possible, it is also a good idea to arrange your commitments during the cleanse in such a way that you will not have too many demands on your time/schedule. You will want to be able to rest often during your cleanse.
- Still have questions? Know that you will receive detailed guidelines on how to complete your cleanse with your juice pick up. You can also email us anytime!
Malamiah Juice Cleanse Intentions Worksheet

After You Cleanse
- Don’t be in a hurry. After the cleanse you may be very eager to eat solid foods again. However, start slow as your body needs to re-adjust.
- Try to avoid highly processed foods, high fat foods, alcohol and refined sugar – especially in the beginning of your post-cleanse phase.Pay attention to your body. You may notice that foods you ate before the cleanse make you feel differently than before. You may also become full sooner than you did before. Do not go and gorge on an excessive amount of food (i.e. buffet). This will defeat the purpose of your cleanse and is likely to make you feel uncomfortable. It may work better to eat 4-6 small meals rather than larger ones.
- Try not to add too much at one time. For instance, if you go back to eating a sandwich for lunch, have one slice of whole grain bread rather than two.
- Continue to focus on fruits and vegetables as a staple and substantial part of your meal.
- Remember to drink plenty of water!